AvantGo Debuts its Hosted Enterprise Online Service

B2B mobile Internet company AvantoGo, Inc. yesterday announced an extension in its proven AvantGo Enterprise solutions.

As the first hosted, Internet-based service for mobilizing applications and content, AvantGo Enterprise Online is a proven, enterprise-class solution for mobile-engaging complex applications rather than something that delivers simple Web site pages to WAP devices.

AvantGo also announced that UpShot.com, My Docs Online! And LiveConsultant.com have signed on as charter customers.

UpShot.com is one of the first ISVs to select AvantGo Enterprise Online as its mobile infrastructure solutions. It is providing a service that enables its customers to track leads, close business more quickly and forecast sales more accurately from their mobile devices.

According to Julie Choi, vice president, product marketing and online services, UpShot.com, AvantGo will be an important part of the company’s broader strategy to continually expand customer choices for how they access the application.

“By collaborating with AvantGo, we are extending our sales management solution to handheld devices and offering sales professionals a flexible and convenient way for getting to the information they need when they need it,” she said.

Based on proven AvantGo Enterprise server technology, AvantGo Enterprise Online deploys the same server technology as McKessonHBOC, Catholic Heathcare West and BG Group plc. The same mobile infrastructure also powers the AvantGo Internet service which supports numerous users.

AvantGo Enterprise Online is a subscription-based service. There is a one-time set-up charge and a monthly fee per user. The service meets the needs of a variety of organizations including ISVs, functional organizations or departments within corporations, ASPs and content providers wanting to deliver B2B applications and content to mobile devices.

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