Heroix, a Newton, Mass., provider of e-business infrastructure management software,
has hired David Greaves as vice president of sales.
He will oversee sales and sales engineering personnel at the company’s headquarters, as well as at field offices in New York,
Washington D.C., Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Dallas.
“David comes to Heroix with a stellar systems software track record, not only in growing revenue, but in strengthening
customer relationships as well,” said Howard Reisman, president and CEO of Heroix.
Greaves has 20 years of industry experience, most recently at Fortel Software. There, as vice president of sales, he grew the
company’s systems software revenue 112 percent in less than three years, and increased reseller business ten-fold.
The Bates College graduate also held sales posts at InterSystems Corporation, Honeywell & Honeywell Bull Information
Systems, and CogniMed.