National Guard Selects Artesia

As key components for the Army National Guard’s Distributive Training Technology Project (DTTP), the Guard has selected Artesia Technologies, Inktomi Corp. and Virage Inc. for digital media encoding, distribution and management solutions. Established in 1995, the DTTP is a federal distributed training project that allows Guardsmen to receive training in classrooms across the country.

In addition to improving military readiness, the DTTP yields significant time and cost savings for the Army National Guard and enhances recruitment and retention efforts through the availability of improved educational resources.

The technology foundation for the DTTP initiative is a new architecture, the Guard Content Management System (GCMS), which pre-positions e-learning content, including live and on-demand demand and other rich media, at the edge of the Army National Guard’s network in hundreds of classrooms.

“The DTTP initiative is designed to improve readiness and the overall command and control process while providing an e-learning technology foundation that federal and state agencies, academia, business and industry can leverage,” said Susan Dix, chief technology officer, DTTP initiative. “A critical component of this effort is providing secure, reliable and effective online education and training to National Guard members. With the support of leading technology providers like Artesia, Inktomi and Virage, we have assembled a proven team to help us meet this requirement.”

The Rockville, Md.-based Artesia’s TEAMS solution will function as a back-end digital media repository for managing multiple types of media and supporting front-end applications such as learning management systems and media portals. The Inktomi Content Networking Platform will allow the Army National Guard to deliver rich, live and on-demand video training content to more than 280 classrooms in its initial phase. Inktomi content networking software will distribute and store this information close to users for high performance delivery.

Virage’s SmartEncode Suite will provide automated capture, encoding and indexing capabilities for on-demand video.

All of these technologies support the Department of Defense’s Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM), an XML-based standard for ensuring the interoperability of educational content regardless of access device, allowing users throughout the Army National Guard to find, access and share content from a variety of federal sources.

Artesia’s core product allows organizations to capture, manage, and re-express valuable rich-media assets and leverage them to exploit new business opportunities requiring targeted delivery of rich media. In addition, TEAMS’ open API and support for industry standards such as Java, CORBA, and XML, allows the creation of enterprise-scale solutions.

Artesia’s customers include Time Warner Trade Publishing, General Motors, Random House, Herman Miller, The FeedRoom, and Stanford University.

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