Now that the media model for Web telephone services has all but disappeared, Net2Phone, Inc. is moving full steam into the enterprise telco space, announcing a pact with Norway’s Telenor Global Services to route international calls on its Voice-Over Internet Protocol (Vo-IP) network.
Less than a month after announcing a presence in Asia, the Newark, N.J.-based Net2Phone said Telenor would use its Vo-IP network to route international calls to destinations throughout the world.
Routing telephone calls over Web-based IP networks allows telcos to offer cheaper alternatives to customers. The Net2Phone/Telenor pact is also aimed at reducing call termination fees at international destinations.
Net2Phone’s IP gateways connect to legacy telephony devices via T1, E1 or analog interfaces and, by using Net2Phone’s existing call routing capabilities, Telenor believes it can enhance resale telco packages in the region.
Telenor provides wholesale services to telecom operators and mobile operators throughout the world. The company, which has headquarters in Oslo, offers services like international voice termination and broadband capacity.
Founded in 1995, Net2Phone sells Web telephone and voice hosting services over IP networks to consumers, businesses and carriers worldwide. The company’s technology enables toll-quality calls between computers, telephones, and broadband devices.
Net2Phone’s strategic partners and investors include AT&T, America Online, and Yahoo!.