NorthPoint Expands New England Footprint

NorthPoint Communications
Wednesday unveiled plans to expand its Digital Subscriber Line network
to southern Connecticut and New Hampshire.

Liz Fetter, NorthPoint (NPNT)president and chief operating officer, said the New England service extension significantly expands on NorthPoint’s DSL network footprint, the nation’s largest.

“NorthPoint is extending its high-speed Internet access network from well-served metropolitan areas to additional neighboring towns and cities,” Fetter said.

“The introduction of NorthPoint DSL in southern Connecticut and New
Hampshire provides more businesses and consumers in New England with
affordable broadband connectivity that unleashes a more powerful Internet,” Fetter added.

The Competitive Local Exchange Carrier and broadband service provider
leveraged its key partnerships in New York and Boston to extend service to neighboring areas of New England.

Boston-based Network Plus is one of
NorthPoint’s working partners. Rob Hale, Network Plus chief executive
officer said the service provider was naturally pleased to be working with NorthPoint.

“As one of the largest and most well-known CLEC’s in Boston, Network Plus
looks forward to offering its service to businesses and residences in New
Hampshire and southern Connecticut,” Hale said.

The service expansion means that NorthPoint is one of the first
competitive DSL providers to offer high-speed Internet access to the large
telecommuter population in southern Connecticut.

Upon completion of its network expansion, NorthPoint will reach more than
200,000 businesses and residences in southern Connecticut and more than
180,000 broadband consumers in New Hampshire.

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