Roaming Media’s New Wireless Framework

Roaming Media, Inc. announced today the commercial availability of Roaming Wireless Framework (RWF) to simplify the development and deployment of wireless applications.

Coupled with the company’s J2EE development environment, Roaming Studio, RWF accelerates wireless development by a factor up to 50 percent. RWF can be applied to an organization’s core application server; thereby, negating the need for additional servers dedicated specifically to wireless environments.

RWF supports multiple wireless device types (i.e., WAP, I-Mode, PQA, HTML, etc). Device independence and the ability to deliver custom content based on wireless device type are accomplished using Roaming Media’s wireless device sensing capabilities.

This technology determines the types of device as it accesses a site and informs framework objects what target to render for. Dynamic content can then be generated correctly for each device.

RWF can be integrated with Roaming Studio, a cutting edge J2EE development environment. In combination, RWF and Roaming Studio provide developers with the most powerful and flexible wireless solution on the market.

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