A Little Skin Makes Hit Counters Spin

No wonder the porn industry is slowly dying. It has to compete with Hollywood.

First, there was the New Yorker running a pictorial of rising-star-turned-trainwreck Lindsay Lohan in a recreation of Marilyn Monroe’s famous 1962 nude pictorial last February. It didn’t hurt that the pictures were linked on The Drudge Report, which gets 15 million visitors a day.

This resulted in more than 40 million page views for the site, a 2,000 percent increase over the same time last year and crashed servers. Even non-Lohan content received between 2 million and 3 million
page views, considerably more than the site would get.

At least Lohan is legal. The latest Internet tidal wave involves a girl who most certainly is not. Vanity Fair is running a pictorial of Disney star and the not-old-enough-to-drive Miley Cyrus posing topless but covered, so only her back is exposed. While the usual sanctimonious types acted outraged and photographer Annie Leibovitz was thrown under a bus, VF made out like a bandit.

After one day of availability, the pictures drew in 1.8 million unique visitors to VF.com, which normally
gets between 20,000 and 40,000 per day, and 17 million page views. Maybe I’m getting cynical but I don’t think anyone was surprised at the “controversy,” they were planning on it.

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