Black Hat DC 2008 Roundup

Alright I promise this will be my last post about the Black Hat DC 2008 event (honest!).  Sure it was a smaller event than the big Vegas event but I found no shortage of really interesting topics and speakers at the DC event (many of which I wrote/blogged on).

As every good geek should when visiting DC, I found a slice of time during my stay to make a pilgrimage to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. It was there that I saw some of the most secure pieces of technology on earth, stuff that no Black or White Hat can touch.

Take the Apollo 11 module for example (yes the real module that Armstrong and crew were in). It’s sitting there in the front lobby of the museum encased in a transparent plastic shell. Its on board electronics untouchable by human hands.

You see the problem of modern technology is that it must exist outside of the bubble. Modern technology is all about being connected. When you’re not connected (inside the bubble like Apollo 11) no one can touch you, but vice versa you can’t touch anyone else either.

So what should we do? Stick our heads in the ground? Not connect? No of course not. The key is awareness and eternal vigilance. Every connection is a possible attack vector that needs to be properly secured by credentials and purpose.

That’s my little ‘rant’, without any futher ado here’s a listing of stories I had over on the main site and posts made here on The Blog (all in one simple location – enjoy!).

Black Hat : Beware of Cylons at the Back Door

Black Hat : Honor Among Thieves?

Black Hat : The Google Teabag (and other URI tricks)

Black Hat : Hillary Beats Obama

Black Hat : Netflix CSRF Vulnerability

Black Hat: Dtrace a Rootkit?

Why You Shouldn’t Trust (Some) IRS E-mail

Black Hat Descends on Washington

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