Feeling more insecure than usual?
Seeing a few more stories this week about IT security than normal? Don’t worry it’s not the apocalypse ��� it’s just time for the Black Hat Las Vegas security conference.
Lots going on this year (as usual), the toughest thing for me about Black Hat is always about choosing which session to go to. This year Black Hat has 8 concurrent session each running about 70 minutes.
Metasploit gets a whole track of its own on day one, if this were any other conference that would have been enough. Metapsloit is an open source vulnerability testing framework.the neat thing about it is takes bug/exploits and ‘weaponizes’ them such a bug is actually an exploit. There are three key Metasploit sessions I’ll be in – one about attacking macs, the other on Oracle. The third is about how to detect if you’ve been probed/attacked with Metasploit.
HP’s SPI dynamics guys are going to be talking about a browser darknet ��� a way to create hidden internet with browsers.
SSL gets a thorough examination again. At the Black Hat DC event earlier this year, Moxie Marlinspike released a tool to thwart SSL, he back for Vegas with more.
While there are a lot of software related talks for convention PCs, servers and software application there are also some really interesting hardware’ish hacking too.