Some interesting leadership shifts in the Linux distro space. Over at Fedora Max Spevack whom i’ve spoken with numerous times since he became the Fedora Project Leader is stepping down at the end of the month.Paul Frields who is no stranger to the Fedora Community will be taking over.
It's a big change for Red Hat..but not as big I suppose as Matthew Szulik leaving. Just like Szulik though Spevack will be staying on with Red Hat just in a different capacity.
While Paul will be taking over for me as the Fedora Project Leader
in February, I will still be involved in Fedora. I am going to be
spending a lot of time over the next month or two helping Paul
transition into the job, especially during the several-week period that
we are in right now when Paul is still finishing up his old job and
before he joins Red Hat.So I am not going anywhere — I will
still be answering emails that I get related to Fedora, following the
general Fedora happenings, and working (as always) behind the scenes in
Red Hat to make sure that Fedora is getting the support it needs. In
fact, there are a couple of things that I want to work on (especially
related to the way Fedora’s budget is determined and managed) that will
be done entirely behind the closed doors of Red Hat, but the results of
which will hopefully make Paul’s life a little bit easier down the road.
It’s not clear yet if Paul will have a different mandate than Max did – though change is inevitable especially when it comes to Linux leadership.