Debian Lenny set for Valentines Feb 14th release


From the ‘I wonder if it comes with chocolates‘ files:

At long last it looks like the release of Debian 5 (aka Lenny) is very near – in fact it could be less than two weeks away!

In a Sunday post to a Debian mailing list, Debian developer Adeodato Simo said that Lenny was now officially in ‘deep freeze’ meaning that the release is really being locked down.

“The weekend of February 14th is going to be our tentative target for release,” Simo wrote. “We’ve checked with all the involved teams (which are many!),and the date works for all of them.”

Simo also noted that Debian will be releasing a “Lenny and a half” release half-way through the Squeeze release cycle, which is the next Debian release.

Each Debian release seems to be a tremendous effort (and it is), though this time around with some of the political infighting about open source/Debian Social Contract obligations it might well have made it even more of a challenge than usual.

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