We now know the name for Fedora 14, the next major version of Fedora which should be out by the end of 2010. Fedora contributors have voted and they voted for the name — Laughlin.
Laughlin got 610 votes with Laramie coming in second at 507. My personal favorite — Fytnargin — came in dead last at 403 votes.
Fedora is currently in the last stages of the release process for Fedora 13, codenamed Goddard, due out by the end of this month. The way that Fedora naming works is that there is supposed to be some kind of connection (however loose) between the name of one release and the next.
So what’s the connection between Goddard and Laughlin?
“Robert Goddard was a professor of physics, and so is Robert Laughlin,” Fedora’s wiki states.”He was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in physics for his explanation of the fractional quantum Hall effect. Moreover he argues for emergence which is a concept that says ‘The whole is more than the sum of its parts’. Fedora is more than the sum of its software.”
Laughlin is also a town in Nevada, which easily sets up at one name voting option for Fedora 15 in 2011. How about the Fedora 15 Vegas Release? Viva Fedora?