Fedora 17 Will Be a Beefy Miracle

fedora 17 Beefy MiracleFrom the ‘Democratically Chosen Linux Name‘ files:

After a failed bid for Fedora 16, Beefy Miracle has been chosen as the name for Fedora 17.

That’s right and this is not a joke.

Red Hat’s community Linux distribution, Fedora has chosen – Beefy Miracle – to be the name for the Fedora 17 , due out in 2012.

Beefy Miracle lost out to ‘Verne’ for Fedora 16, but somehow ended up in the running for Fedora 17. The way that Fedora naming works is that the name of a new release somehow has to be related to the previous release. So what could the rationale for Beefy Miracle possibly be?

Beefy Miracle is a name suggested for Fedora 16. Verne is also a name suggested for Fedora 16

Yup that’s it…a bit wonky, but hey Fedora people voted for it.

The voting tally for Fedora 17 came out as:

1182 :: Beefy Miracle
 1035 :: Liege
 881 :: Never
 791 :: Gernsback
 641 :: Rocky Ripple
 628 :: Alpharabius
 550 :: Panguipulli
 505 :: Tubeteika

Fedora 17 will come up against Ubuntu 12.04 codenamed the Precise Pangolin. So for the first time ever, Fedora will have a funkier name than Ubuntu.

Let’s hope (for Fedora’s sake) that the release is beefier too, so they can relish a well name release!


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