Firefox 3.6.2 Coming March 30th – Where is 3.6.1?

From the ‘What Happened to Firefox 3.6.1?‘ files:

No, that’s not a typo. Mozilla is currently scheduled to release its next open source Firefox browser version 3.6.2 on March 30th.

The Firefox 3.6.2 release will be joined by the 3.5.9 and 3.0.19 releases which are all now ‘code frozen’ in terms of development.

So what does that mean?

It means that if the current numbering system holds, there will be no Firefox 3.6.1. At first, I thought I had made a mistake and somehow missed the 3.6.1 release, but that’s not the case. Firefox 3.6 came out at the end of January. So in effect, Mozilla is skipping a numbered release.

The Mozilla platform wiki provides some indication as to why Mozilla is skipping the 3.6.1 release. The Firefox 3.6.2 release is based on the Gecko platform and the wiki notes that Mozilla may potentially be skipping the version number of Firefox 3.6.1 in
order to stay in sync with platform.

Sure that makes sense, but it will leave some users to wonder if they’ve missed something (I know it made me think that).

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