First Fedora 13 Linux Alpha Shows Promise

From the ‘Next Gen Linux Features‘ files:

The first alpha milestone of the Fedora 13 Linux distribution is now available and it’s loaded with a number of innovative features.

Among the desktop features that users will enjoy is a new automatic print driver installation. That’s right plug and play printers are now here for Linux.

Fedora 13 is also including BTRFS which is a next generation filesystem that to date I haven’t seen any other major Linux distribution include (though BTRFS is still in development and hasn’t been in the mainline Linux kernel all that long).  Specifically Fedora 13 will enable users to do system rollbacks, which is really great thing to have in my view and not a feature available yet on other Linux distros.

For Enterprise users, the new Dogtag Certificate System is something that could represent an innovative approach to handling security credentials. According to Fedora’s project description, Dogtag is an enterprise-class open source Certificate Authority (CA) supporting all aspects of certificate lifecycle management including key archival, OCSP and smartcard management.

The other item I find interesting in the Fedora 13 release cycle is the new (BFO) effort. Think of it as pxeboot on steroids for network installs.

Lots of stuff to look at, and with several month of development left before Fedora 13 is release, lots of time to check it all out too. Fedora 13 is currently schedule for release on May 11th.

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