Former Googler to take over as Twitter COO

Twitter continues to line its executive roster with Google veterans, reportedly bringing in Dick Costolo to serve as the company’s first COO.

Costolo, who founded RSS service Feedburner and sold it to Google in 2007, left the search giant in July and will begin work at Twitter next week, according to a Reuters report.

As of this writing, Costolo’s on his way to France, according to his Twitter feed

Costolo joins Twitter co-founders Biz Stone and Evan Williams, both Google alums, along with a handful of others who have left the search giant for the greener pastures Twitter promises as it evolves into a more mature (and maybe even profitable!) company.

It’s also a bit fitting that a pioneer of the RSS medium
finds himself a seat at the captain’s table at Twitter, given the recent hype
about the micro-blogging site emerging as the preeminent method of obtaining
and sharing news content on the Web.

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