NEW YORK. Novell CEO Ron Hovsepian took the stage at Interop this morning and boldly told the capacity crowd that open source is for them. The gist of Hovsepian’s talk was about making IT work as one, whether
virtual, physical, Linux or Windows. It was a very high level talk
sparse on details but he did take the time to promote his vision of
open source and standards.
“To us the future of IT is based on open source and open standards
and it will be a mix of those pieces,” Hovsepian said.
He added that for Novell both open source and standards are important with standards being critical because they allow for tfor software to interact on a set of
rules that are agreed to ahead of time.
“The best solutions will be a
combination of open source and open standards, “Hovsepian said.“ We’re going to be a big proponent of community based innovation and we invite all of you to think about it for
your organization.”