Very few companies had official policies in favor of the iPhone, and look how many ended up in business settings. If you think things will be any different with the iPad, you haven’t been paying attention.
Even though Apple doesn’t pursue the enterprise market and few business will have an organized effort around Apple’s much-anticipated new tablet, the iPad is coming to an enterprise near you. Probably yours. So what does that mean? Columnist Mike Elgan explains it over at Datamation.
Hype surrounding Apple’s long-awaited touch tablet centers on the living room. But are iPads ready for the boardroom? The cubicle? The data center?
Whether enterprises are ready for iPads or not, here they come.
Let’s dispense right up front with any notion that iPads will be successfully blocked from enterprise use. It’s going to happen. Resistance was futile against PCs, laptops, instant messaging, PDAs, personal smart phones (including the iPhone), and it will be futile again for the iPad.
The first unauthorized users will be business travelers. Apple probably presold well over a quarter million iPads. How many of those buyers are corporate business travelers? Enterprise frequent fliers will be showing up for work Monday with iPads in hand, and that’s when the trouble starts.