Today is the official launch day for the new InternetNews.com, the blog.internetnews.com blog and this blog.
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes pulling things together for some time. So if you notice that there are some 17 other posts that I’ve already made on this blog– don’t worry you didn’t miss them – I’ve just been busy gearing up.
But now that you’re here – welcome!
The new InternetNews.com is all about giving readers MORE.
That’s where this blog will fit in. I plan on providing more insight into the areas that I cover by looking at items that might not normally fit into a regular news story for any number of different reasons.
As opposed to my news stories – my blog posts will typically also express my opinion as well. That’s an important distinction to make and it’s a fine line that I’ll try hard to stay on the right side of.
So thanks for stopping by and reading this post. Come back regularly and often!