Ok then, LibreOffice, the OpenOffice.org fork, isn’t vaporware.
The first release candidate for LibreOffice 3.3 is now available, showing off what this OpenOffice.org fork can do.
First of all, it’s great that LibreOffice RC1 is out. There are so many efforts that get announced as ‘forks’ for various open source projects that falter not long after they are announced. Actually delivering on a roadmap and continuing beyond the initial announcement hype is an achievement in itself.It is clear to me that The Document Foundation is serious, dedicated and committed to it own path.
That said, from a user perspective, let’s not forget the OpenOffice.org is now out with OOo 3.3 RC7. Oracle is still pushing forward aggressively with OpenOffice and isn’t about to let go either.
Which means that a regular user today has (at least) two OpenOffice-type releases to choose from for version 3.3 and that will inevitably lead to some confusion.
Is Oracle’s version of 3.3 more mature since it’s at RC7? Maybe.