Mozilla is out today with Firefox 3.7 Alpha 1 as a Developer Preview.
This is the first new dev milestone outside of the Firefox 3.6 release a few weeks back at the end of January.
The thumbnail (image left) is a screenshot of 3.7 Alpha 1 running on a test box in my environment. Yes, I’m writing this post using 3.7 Alpha 1 too.
Officially speaking this is not Firefox (yet). Mozilla has labeled this release as Developer preview of Gecko 1.9.3 –but the about screen clearly identifies it as 3.7a1.
Nomenclature issues aside, Firefox 3.7 alpha 1 includes a bunch of new items.
“We made various architectural changes to improve Web page
performance,” Mozilla release notes state.
Yes they sure did, without pulling any specific metrics, this browser is visibly faster than Firefox 3.6