Sam Ramji, Microsoft’s front man for all things open source, is leaving Microsoft effective September 25th.
Ramji made the announcement today during a call with press announcing the formation of the CodePlex Foundation. I’ve spoken with Ramji many times over the last few years and met him on a number of occasions. I’ve always been impressed with how he stands his ground and responds to questions, not always from friendly audiences.
“I am leaving on Microsoft on Sept 25th,” Ramji said during the call. “I leave Microsoft at a time when I believe that open source has become part of the DNA of the company, especially engineering teams.
There are many people within and across Microsoft that will continue to advocate for open source.”
The decision to leave Microsoft was a personal one. Ramji said during the call that due to illness in the family, he wanted to return to California. With Microsoft, he currently works in the Seattle area. Ramji said he will be joining a Silicon Valley cloud startup, though he didn’t specifically name which one.
Microsoft is currently in the process of searching for a replacement for Ramji, no word on whether they will promote someone internally or hire externally.