Beginning next January, Apple plans to switch to Mac OS
X-only booting for new Mac models as it moves full blast to encourage
adoption of the new operating system.
The Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple, which launched the Mac OS 10.2 ‘Jaguar’
operating system with much fanfare in July,
said the new Mac computer would retain the ability to run most Mac OS 9
applications through Apple’s bundled “Classic” software.
But, in the words of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, “Now it’s time for Apple and our
third-party developers to focus all of our resources exclusively on Mac OS
X, rather than dividing them between two different operating systems.”
“We expect that 20 percent of our entire installed base will be using Mac OS
X by the end of this year, making it the fastest operating system transition
in recent history,” Jobs added. ‘Jaguar’ has been the default OS on all Mac
machines since January and the company is estimating that more than 75 per
cent of customers have elected to retain it as their OS.
Separately, Apple announced some of the biggest names in the electronics
sector would adopt its Rendezvous communication standard, which lets users
automatically find IP addresses and devices without complicated
configuration procedures.
At the Apple Expo in Paris, the company said printer makers Canon, Xerox
, Hewlett-Packard
Epson and Lexmark
would adopt the Rendezvous protocol and built it into new printer
Rendezvous uses standard networking protocols and zero configuration
technology to automatically discover and connect devices over any IP
network, including Ethernet and 802.11 wireless networking. It is a big
part of the ‘Jaguar’ operating system and dozens of companies are working to
integrate it into their products, Apple said.
Apple also announced it would start shipping iCal, the next iteration of its
calendar application which can be managed and shared by multiple users.
iCal, which is a free download lets
users create and manage individual or group activities on single or multiple
calendars and publish them on the Web for sharing.
The company said iCal users could subscribe to automatically updated
calendars on the Web to keep up with work schedules, family events and
school events. Apple is also putting calendar content for pro and college
sports schedules, movie and DVD release dates and holiday information to
allow consumers to add to their iCal calendars. ICal runs exclusively on
the Mac OS X v10.2 operating system.
Although it comes as a free download, users looking to publish calendars
must have a paid .Mac account or access to a WebDAV server.