One month after investing $50 million as part of Novell’s acquisition of SUSE Linux AG, tech giant IBM has launched
a new support center with the German company.
The new Software Integration Center in Toronto is designed to market server support for enterprises running SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server (SLES) operating system with IBM’s middleware to tap.
SUSE said the partnership will focus first on its DB2 Universal Database offerings and be extended to other IBM software products.
IBM, which has been which has been aggressive about deploying servers and product lines in tandem with the Linux operating system, recently injected $50 million as part of a stock deal with Novell . That investment was announced on the same day Novell shelled out $210 million in
cash to acquire Germany’s SUSE.
The SUSE acquisition was Novell’s second major deal in the enterprise
Linux space, coming just a few months after the purchase
of Ximian, a Boston, Mass.-based provider of Linux desktop, management
and groupware technologies.
Now, with the Software Integration Center, IBM and SUSE plans to team up
on porting, migration, certification and support of future DB2 offerings on
the SLES platform.
SUSE said the SLES is the first Linux operating system to be validated on
all hardware platforms supported by DB2 for Linux and validated to run DB2
Enterprise Server Edition.