Not to be outdone by IBM or Microsoft, webMethods Inc. on Wednesday The announcements come the same day that Microsoft’s ever-evolving .NET framework won support from two German giants, Deutsche Telekom and SAP XML Web Services are a new standardized way of integrating disparate Charter Communications said using the webMethods platform “Looking ahead, Charter Communications recognized that in order to stay Meanwhile, the Institutional & Business Services division (IBS) of The IBS is hoping Web services will improve straight through processing and “The Bank recognizes the imperative for greater flexibility in product IDC predicts the total software, services and hardware opportunity
announced Charter Communications Inc. , the nation’s
fourth largest cable operator, and Commonwealth Bank of Australia have each
separately selected its XML-based Web Services integration platform to lay
the foundation for integrating their respective enterprises.
AG, and IBM got Vignette and SAP to support its WebSphere platform.
systems and applications connected through an Internet protocol (IP)
backbone. The standard relies on XML as a language for tagging data; Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP) for transferring that data; Web Services
Description Language (WSDL) for describing the services available; and
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) for listing what
services are available.
for its IT infrastructure will render the firm well positioned to quickly respond to
business requirements and goals. Charter Communications has identified
enterprise application integration (EAI) as a business-critical necessity in
the broadband industry.
agile in a dynamic industry, it is necessary to implement an EAI strategy to
combat inefficiencies that can arise from having disparate or incompatible
systems,” said Mike Riddle, senior vice president and CIO at Charter.
Commonwealth Bank of Australia also said it has selected webMethods as an
integration platform to support productivity and client service initiatives
across its business units. IBS focuses on Australasia’s institutional,
corporate and business segments and has banking relationships with over
100,000 entities.
derive associated cost efficiencies, while also helping facilitate
client-focused solutions. Initial projects are being developed in the
Financial Markets and Custodial Services business units of IBS.
innovation, as well as a scalable and well-integrated architecture,” said
Michael Ullmer, head of the Institutional & Business Services Division
derived from Web services will catapult from $1.6
billion in 2004 to $34 billion by 2007.