Seeking to lure colleges with an autonmous Web server, college application
service provider GoCampus Friday
grabbed Epicentric Inc.’s
enterprise portal server as its platform.
GoCampus said it took Epicentric’s portal server over other servers for its
customization, rapid deployment and flexibility to deliver signature
Internet-based services to academic institutions. Epicentric’s portal
server enables businesses to control hosting, branding and design.
GoCampus goal is to help colleges and universities to customize their Web
sites and improve communications between students, faculty, parents and
alumni by streamlining campus news, events and instructional forums.
GoCampus said it hopes to capitalize on the expectations of consumers to
wire efficient portal systems in universities across the country.
“We based the GoCampus Community Hub on Epicentric’s open and flexible Web
architecture because we wanted to provide
each college and university with an easy way to customize our hub to their
campus brand and campus requirements,” said Burt
Cummings, chief executive officer of GoCampus.
“Epicentric’s flexible platform lets us respond quickly to the changing
needs of higher education institutions by offering a broad choice of
features, information and services that enable academic communities to
quickly enrich and adapt their Web sites.”
Last week, Epicentric teamed with Hewlett-Packard Co. (HWP) to
create new business portal solutions for HP’s new E-Intelligence partner
GoCampus has developed a personalized “information dashboard” that can be
used to help navigate through modules which each individual selects and
customizes to best fit their needs. This tool is presented through a
campus’s Web site and under the campus’s brand, but is hosted by GoCampus.
Modules may include tools such as campus calendar, campus news, national news,
department news, etc.