Interwoven Deploys Content Management Offering

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) vendor Interwoven
Monday announced OpenDeploy 6, the company’s automated Integrated ECM Platform and Web Change
Management Solution.

OpenDeploy 6 is the latest release from Interwoven’s Web Change Management initiative, which
was first announced last year. It allows IT administrators to consistently and easily
deploy ECM assets across an enterprise.

“OpenDeploy 6 opens new opportunities for any large organization seeking
more efficient ways to improve governance of their enterprise
infrastructure,” said Brian Bauer, vice president of IT Solutions at
Interwoven, in a statement.

According to Red Monk analyst Stephen O’Grady, Interwoven’s OpenDeploy 6
fills an important niche in the ECM space with its aim to simplify the
deployment process.

“As many content management customers discover, the devil is often in the deployment,” O’Grady told “While organizations can typically get a handle on the
behind-the-firewall content processes, distributing it along with
application source code is often a significant challenge.”

Features of the new release include full
enterprise scalability and an Intelligent Delivery Module that utilizes
metadata as a rule for determining content publication and
expiration. The new version is also more extensible than its predecessors by
including a Web services-based interface that facilitates content
distribution and publication into a SOA .

Interwoven is in a battle royale with numerous vendors for dominance in the
ECM space.

EMC’s Documentum division has been busy lately, recently adding
Business Process
Management software (BPM)
to its mix, as well as acquiring content
management technologies from
Xerox. ECM toolmaker
Serena has also been on the acquisition path with its purchase of Merant in
March. At the
beginning of the year, ECM player Stellent acquired

In a move that may signal the beginning of a shift in the ECM space toward
open source, Computer Associated just last
month entered into an
agreement with the open source Zope corp. to help integrate and sell
the Zope Content Management Framework.

Market research firm Ovum estimates the current ECM market to be worth $1.54
billion with no one vendor controlling more than a 10 percent market share.
Growth is expected to be rampant in the next few years. IDC forecasts the
market to be worth $3.8 billion by 2007 while Meta Group figures it will be
worth more than $9 billion during the same time frame.

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