MCI WorldCom Advanced
Networks Tuesday launched SafeReach NT VPN, a managed
Internet-based virtual private networking (VPN) service for intranets.
The I-VPN service enables remote users to securely connect to corporate
intranets through client-based tunneling and encryption between the
end-users’ personal computers and the corporate site. SafeReach NT runs on
MCI WorldCom Advanced Networks’ global Internet Protocol (IP) network at
higher speeds, greater scalability and cost efficiently.
SafeReach NT uses Microsoft’s Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
technology for point-and-click usage of MCI WorldCom Advanced Networks’
client dialer, eliminating the need for wide-scale client software
deployment is not necessary.
The solution is aimed at companies needing
greater performance, reliability and higher speed access from
Internet-based VPN solutions. SafeReach NT is available through local
access in 114 countries.
“SafeReach NT is our first I-VPN solution for NT enterprises,” said Dennis
Brouwer, vice president,
product marketing, MCI WorldCom Advanced Networks.
“Based on our corporate customers’ demand for Internet-based solutions, we
are leveraging Microsoft’s PPTP tunneling and MPPE encryption technologies
for securely conducting business over the Internet. We will migrate to
L2TP, the converged tunneling standard and IPSec when they are
SafeReach NT is one of seven fully managed VPN offerings from MCI WorldCom
Advanced Networks that includes SafeReach IP, SafeReach Dedicated, World
VPN, NT Link, WinFrame For MCI WorldCom Advanced Networks, IP Link/IP Link
Plus and OC://WebConnect Pro.