Metatec International Inc. this week rolled out the third version of its Web-based
software and document distribution system designed for extranet business
Web Transporter 3.0 is the first software distribution system built to run
on the Linux operating system, with broad cross-platform support for
Windows, Macintosh and all UNIX platforms. The new version allows
organizations to manage business-critical software applications, and file
updates and content via corporate intranets and extranets.
Web Transporter 3.0 simplifies the distribution and installation of any type
of file or application across the Web. Organizations may create packages,
which can include software applications, plug-ins, upgrades and any other
electronic document. Once a package is created, users and groups are
notified via e-mail or at log-in. The system offers enterprise-class
software management without the need to pre-install client software.
Available packages can be easily downloaded and installed using Web
Transporter’s secure Java applet download manager, which confirms delivery
of the packages to each workstation.
The Web Transporter technology provides complete tracking, management and
reporting capabilities, allowing IT managers to monitor all download
activities including versions and configurations.
“We have been using Web Transporter for more than a year and have really
improved the way we manage and track software updates via the Web,” said
Hermann Lagreze, manager of IT infrastructure and processes for Motorola’s
European operations. “The most useful features to us have been the detailed
tracking and recording of download transactions as well as the fine-grained
access control capabilities.”
Available now, Web Transporter 3.0 pricing starts at $3,500 for an
extranet server supporting 100 users. A fully functioning 25-user version of
the Web Transporter server and all components is available free for
immediate download from the Web Transporter support site here.
Metatec (META)
is one of the world’s largest optical disc manufacturers and distributors.