E-business application provider Open Text
Corp. Tuesday won a contract from the U.S. Navy.
Now the collaborative intranet standard for the United States Naval Sea
Systems Command (NAVSEA), Open Text’s Livelink reduces filing and
storage space requirements, facilitates access to corporate information and
enhances customer service.
NAVSEA, responsible for the design, manufacture, lifecycle management and
maintenance of all U.S. Navy ships and submarines and their respective
weapons systems, has engaged in a major separation. Over the next two years,
it will disperse its centralized headquarters to smaller, office locations.
NAVSEA procured Livelink to help with the move.
By the end of the year 2000, NAVSEA intends to scale its initial Livelink
implementation to include an extranet, connecting thousands of users within
the NAVSEA family and allowing them to better serve the fleet.
“NAVSEA’s deployment of Livelink is further evidence of Open Text’s
continued leadership in U.S. government marketspace,” said Andrew Pery, vice
President, global marketing, Open Text. “Open Text has proven that it meets
military requirements not only for collaborative intranet solutions, but for
secure, scalable, global extranets that can support thousands of additional
users worldwide.”
Open Text is a supplier of collaborative, Web-based e-business applications
for the enterprise, with over 3.5 million users in 31