Wednesday expanded its audio content by integrating’s
26,000 hours of Internet-delivered spoken audio into its offerings.
Visitors to the online book seller now have complete access to Audible’s
book titles. When customers enter the title of a book in the search
function, they will receive links to all the formats available in that
title: hardback, paperback, book on tape or audiobook editions.
“By integrating into our search results, we make it much
easier for customers to find the titles that are available while also
addressing their desire to utilize the Internet not only for ease of
ordering but for the convenience of online delivery,” said Erick Gross,
group product manager, Books.
With the fully searchable titles, sales will increase, added Jonathan
Korzen, senior manager, media relations, Audible Inc. “People have been
loath to purchase when they browse,” he said. “When they know what title
they are looking for, the appeal to download the audio is much greater.”
Samples of the downloadable literature are available. “As part of a
cross-selling strategy, visitors are taken to a co-branded page where they
can listen to an audio sample. This has never before been available for a
book on tape,” noted Korzen. Users can additionally access a selection of
digital newspapers and magazines.
The downloadable content is geared exclusively to users with PC-based
listening or mobile playback on Audible Ready portable digital audio
Wednesday’s announcement builds on a relationship that was established at
the beginning of this year. At that time, the two companies united to
provide customers with a selection of digital audio content.