AMD’s ‘Vision’ Now Includes Business Branding

AMD is bringing its ‘Vision’ branding campaign to business. As HardwareCentral reports, the chipmaker is building on a consumer program that places more emphasis on how the products can help buyers than technical specs.

Advanced Micro Devices has extended its Vision branding program from consumer PCs to include small and medium businesses (SMBs). Vision, announced last September, is a branding program whereby the company tries to get away from part numbers and technobabble and sell products based on what the user wants to do.

For consumers, AMD Vision was focused on things like gaming and home video playback. With today’s announcement of Vision Pro, AMD (NYSE: AMD) is targeting business professionals by emphasizing graphics performance in areas such as visual productivity, multiple display support, and portability.

Like the consumer Vision program, Vision Pro — which means an all-AMD setup of processor, chipset, and GPU, not unlike Intel’s Centrino package deal — is oriented around AMD’s laptop designs. The company has said it plans to issue a desktop version of Vision some time this year, but not yet.

Product-wise, AMD is not introducing anything new. In the case of Vision Plus, that involves Turion Neo X2, Athlon Mobile, Turion II, or Athlon II processors and either the ATI Radeon HD 3200 or Mobility Radeon 4200 graphics processors paired with AMD’s M760G, M780G, or M880G chipset.

Read the full story at eSecurity Planet:

AMD Expands Vision Brand to Business Customers

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