Apple is out of the gate running with its new iPad tablet, which it says has now sold 3 million units in its 80 days on the market. That’s thanks in no small part to the burgeoning market for third-party applications in the company’s App Store.
Now, Apple says it’s planning to ramp up the international rollout of the iPad, delivering it to nine more countries next month. Enterprise Mobile Today has the details.
Sometimes the expression “a certifiable hit” really can be certified. Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) reported that it has sold 3 million iPads in the 80 days since its U.S. release in April.
Going forward, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said his company is moving quickly to ramp up international distribution. “People are loving the iPad as it becomes a part of their daily lives,” Jobs said in a statement. “We’re working hard to get this magical product into the hands of even more people around the world, including those in nine more countries next month.”