FCC Nominees Split on Net Neutrality, ISP Filters

Policy Fugue by Kenneth Corbin (bio)

Tracking the loveless marriage of technology and government

net.neutrality.B.JPGWe’re almost there.

The two nominees to the Federal Communication Commission who have yet to secure confirmation appeared before the Senate Commerce Committee today, a hearing that offered no indication that either Democrat Mignon Clyburn or Republican Meredith Baker will have any difficulty winning approval either from the committee or the full Senate.

Instead, much like the recent confirmation hearing for Chairman Julius Genachowski, the proceeding was an exercise in drawing out the nominees’ positions on the many issues on the FCC’s plate, ranging from broadband and Net neutrality to media policy.

And, of course, there was the customary grousing from John Rockefeller, the West Virginia Democrat who chairs the committee.

“In my judgment the FCC is a broken agency,” Rockefeller said. “I think that it should rely on facts. It should accept bad news. It shouldn’t be ideological. I think it has been.”

Next page: Split ahead?

[Continue reading this blog post at Policy Fugue by Kenneth Corbin]

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