The plaintiff is VirnetX, who readers may remember from a previous patent infringement suit it filed against the software giant — a separate case that actually saw Microsoft dealt a blow just earlier in the week. In that lawsuit, VirnetX had trained its crosshairs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, an a number of real-time messaging and collaboration software tools Microsoft solder under its Office brand. Now, however, it’s gunning for newer prey. Datamation has the story.
Microsoft has once again found itself facing the business end of a patent infringement lawsuit — this time, one targeting Windows 7 and Windows Sever 2008.
It may seem like a déjà vu situation to Microsoft’s legal team. The software giant lost an important patent infringement lawsuit early last week, but the winning parties weren’t satisfied.
So on Wednesday, the plaintiff — a small holding company called VirnetX from Scotts Valley, Calif. — sued Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) again, for the same infringement. However, this time VirnetX is going after Microsoft for using the infringed patents in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008, according to the plaintiff’s filing in the new case.