Mobile Carriers to Adopt Ratings on Content

Mobile carriers have found themselves dealing in audio,
video and gaming content, with the expansion
of third-generation networks and more powerful handsets with
TV-quality screens.

So the nation’s largest carriers have decided to rate content and
explore filtering technology to help parents control access to
objectionable material, the industry trade group CTIA has announced.

Part of the new “Wireless Content Guidelines” includes a classification
standard that will divide content into two categories: “generally accessible”
and “restricted.” Ratings will be similar to those for movies, TV shows, music
and video games.

The carriers, including Cingular and Verizon Wireless, also pledged to
explore tools to help block access to the Internet entirely, or just to
certain sites that parents consider inappropriate.

“We expect that when and if this technology becomes available, it will
likely be from third-party vendors,” Verizon Wireless spokesman Jeffrey
Nelson said.

Mobile service providers will hold off on offering any restricted content
until safeguards are in place, the CTIA said.

“Parents must ultimately decide what materials are most suitable for their
children, and wireless carriers participating in this important measure are
committed to providing parents with the necessary tools to do so,” Steve
Largent, president and CEO of the CTIA, said in a statement.

A full list of the guidelines is available at the CTIA site.

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