Pew Finds Deep Income Disparities in Tech Usage

It only follows that wealthier Americans would have more gadgets than lower-income people. But researchers at the Pew Internet and American Life Project have now quantified the gap, finding across-the-board income disparities in broadband adoption and Internet usage.

Wealthier Americans are not only more likely to have computers and Internet connections in their homes, but are also more frequent users of the Web for things like reading the news or paying bills. Datamation takes a look at the latest research from Pew.

Is the Internet the playground of the rich?

Higher-income households report markedly higher rates of Internet and cell-phone usage than those of more modest means, according to a new study from the Pew Internet and American Life Project.

Read the full story at Datamation:

Internet a Rich Man’s Plaything: Pew

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