“Steve Jobs wants to suffocate the distribution so even though he doesn’t own the content he could basically demand a ransom.”
- One of many scathing comments leveled against Apple CEO Steve Jobs by Patrick Lo, chairman and CEO of home networking maker Netgear. “Ultimately a closed system just can’t go that far,” Lo said of Apple’s iPhone and iPad ecosystem. “If they continue to close it and let Android continue to creep up then it’s pretty difficult as I see it.” As for Microsoft’s chances in mobile: “Microsoft is over — game over, from my point of view,” he added. (The Sydney Morning Herald)
“What we saw in today’s story was a spy-novelesque stunt to generate extreme outliers in tail query ranking. It was a creative tactic by a competitor, and we’ll take it as a back-handed compliment.”
- Stefan Weitz, Microsoft’s director for Bing, disputing charges by Google that Bing was copying its search results. (InternetNews.com)
“At the end of the day, the fate of The Daily rests on the shoulders of this crazy quilt of an editorial staff which has been assembled. Staffers include print journalists, bloggers, social media experts and broadcast journalists. How long it takes to get these folks to think and deliver in a unified fashion will go a long way to dictate this product’s future.”
- Gartner research vice president Allen Weiner, blogging about the launch of News Corp’s new The Daily online newspaper for the iPad. (Gartner Blog Network)
“The Internet is like a congested highway that was never designed to deliver what is now required of it. Imagine instead an internationally funded high-speed, high-performance network built upon a secure framework where only users with trusted credentials can ‘drive’. In other words, you build a high-speed toll road — a virtual autobahn.”
- Forbes blogger Jeffrey Carr, proposing a new higher-speed, more secure Internet. “The existing Internet remains as-is for those users who don’t want to give up their low-cost access or the freedom to communicate behind anonymous proxies and user names,” Carr added. (Forbes)
“At the core, I’m an Internet entrepreneur who plays at the boundary between consumer and enterprise. Where work meets life. I see non-stop innovation in this space as connections increase, disciplines collide and technology is democratized — that can be applied to solve real big problems. Socialtext is changing the world of work with the things that come from life, and it won’t be the last company I start by breaking boundary conditions.
- Socialtext cofounder Ross Mayfield in a blog post announcing his decision quit his day-to-day responsibilities at the enterprise social networking firm to join SlideShare as vice president of business development. Mayfield is keeping his position as chairman of Socialtext’s board. (Ross Mayfield’s Weblog)
We want your quotes. If you see an IT quote that catches your eye or tickles your funny bone, click here to send us a link using our feedback form. Submissions must be received before noon Pacific time on Thursday.
David Needle is the West Coast bureau chief at InternetNews.com, the news service of Internet.com, the network for technology professionals.