“Permitting Mr. Thompson and Ms. Hart to stay with the Company after apparently violating the Code of Ethics sends a message to all Yahoo! employees that a different set of rules applies at the top.”
Yahoo shareholder Dan Loeb commenting on the revelation that Yahoo’s new CEO ‘padded his resume (AllThingsD)
“Lots of things want to be the ‘Linux of the cloud.’ Let me tell you: Linux is the Linux of the cloud.”
Scott Crenshaw, Vice President at Red Hat, speaking the the Linux Foundation’s End User Summit (Linux.com)
“The engine behind the cloud is the data center and servers — the physical assets. Ultimately, the cloud is something.”
Lew Moorman, President of Rackspace, in a keynote kickoff for the Open Compute Summit (ServerWatch).
“You could argue that BYOD is UAC on steroids.”
Alex Gray, senior vice president and general manager, Campus and Branch Business Unit at Juniper Networks, explaining the difference between NAC (Network Access Control), know as UAC (Unified Access Control) at Juniper and BYOD (EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet)
“We see that hacking attacks are really where the vast majority of identities are taken.”
Liam O Murchu, manager of operations at Symantec’s North American security response center, taling about Symantec latest security report (eSecurityPlanet)
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.