“By apparently systematically trawling our database, and then outsourcing that trawl to another continent, Google isn’t just scalping us, they’re also scalping every Kenyan who has participated in our program.”
Stefan Magdalinski of Kenyan site Mocality, exposing Google for stealing his customer’s information (Mocality)
“We think the world is ready for this innovation.We believe that this program will do what it is designed to do, which is open up the Internet domain name system to further innovation.”
Rod Beckstrom, CEO of ICANN said during a press conference announcing the start of the gTLD program (EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet)
“Notwithstanding the name UbuntuOne, we actually are not based on Ubuntu.”
Christian Parrino, Vice President, Online Services at Canonical explaining the multi-platform strategy behind Ubuntu Linux’s UbuntuOne file syncing service (Datamation)
“Leaders like to work with leaders.”
Cetin Ozbutun, VP of Data Warehousing Technologies at Oracle, explaining why Oracle chose Cloudera for Hadoop (EnterpriseAppsToday)
“If someone set up MySQL on a screwed up box and an attacker gets to that screwed up box you have an issue.”
Roxana Bradescu, Senior Director, Security Product Management at Oracle, explaining why having a Database Firewall alone might not be enough to fully secure a MySQL database deployment (eSecurityPlanet)
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals. Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist