“As many other countries show through their actions, the Committee believes the telecommunications sector plays a critical role in the safety and security of our nation, and is thus a target of foreign intelligence services.”
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in its report on Huawei, banning the Chinese networking vendor from the U.S. Government (EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet)
“It seems like the frequency of attacks across all categories is increasing.”
Larry Ponemon, in his latest HP sponsored Cost of Cyber Crime report (InternetNews)
“We actually had the opportunity to play with a pilot iPad Mini used by one of the vendors. This 7.85-inch iPad Mini fit our hands like a glove and we were easily able to tuck the device in our sport coat, offering consumers a more mobile iPad experience for certain use cases.”
Topeka Capital analyst Brian White commenting on the Apple iPad mini set to debut by the end of the month (Reuters)
“We sell the hardware at our cost, so it is break-even on the hardware.”
Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos in a new interview with the BBC (BBC)
“This [South Carolina] decision is more evidence of how intractable and inconsistent our statutory electronic surveillance regime has become.”
Woodrow Hartzog, a professor at the Cumberland School of Law at Samford University, commenting on South Carolina Supreme Court ruling that reading someone’s emails without permission is not illegal. (Ars Technica)