“OpenFlow is the standard, and it serves user needs. You’d have to ask the vendors how well it serves their individual needs.”
Dan Pitt, Executive Director of the Open Networking Foundation (Enterprise Networking Planet)
“There is not a magic thing that you do to make a system this complex, secure”
Chris Kemp talking about security in the cloud (Datamation)
“This issue, along with the fact that every single month we see another round of critical Internet Explorer patches, highlights what is wrong with Microsoft’s patching and support models”
Ross Barrett, senior manager of security engineering at Rapid7 commenting on Microsoft’s May Patch Tuesday (eSecurity Planet) –
“There are workloads and capabilities that are building and emerging around Linux that are very exciting to us and they really fit well with our Power architecture and the capabilities we can deliver with Power”
Chuck Bryan, Team Lead, Power Systems at IBM (ServerWatch)
“At the time, NASA had three thousand different web apps, written in 18 different languages and frameworks, just from a security standpoint it was a nightmare to maintain,”
Joshua McKenty, former NASA engineer and current CTO of Piston Cloud (InternetNews)
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Server Watch and InternetNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.