“I want to be really clear: Instagram has no intention of selling your photos, and we never did. We don’t own your photos – you do.”
Kevin Systrom co-founder, Instagram backpedaling after his firm introduced new terms of service (Instagram)
“We’re in batting practice, we haven’t even started the first inning.”
Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst explaining his view on where the market for private cloud currently stands (ServerWatch)
“Our $7.5 billion purchase of Sun has already proven to be the most strategic and profitable acquisition Oracle has ever made.”
Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle during his company’s earnings call (ServerWatch)
“If you don’t need it, get rid of it — you won’t be sorry.”
Andrew Storms, director of security operations for nCircle commenting on a recent Oracle Java security update and the need for Java in general (eSecurity Planet)
“I don’t believe that cognitive systems will usurp the role of human thinkers.”
Bernie Meyerson, IBM Fellow and VP of Innovation, commenting on IBM’s top Five predictions for the next five years (Datamation)
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.