“You’re witnessing the 1 teraflop barrier busting.”
Rajeeb Hazra, general manager of Intel’s technical computing group, said at an unveiling ceremony for Intel’s Knights Corner chip. (Seattle Times)
“We cannot continue a system that allows criminals to disregard our laws and import counterfeit and pirated goods across our physical borders.”
Statement of Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith Hearing on H.R. 3261, the “Stop Online Piracy Act” SOPA (House.gov)
“Today I chewed into an entrepreneur who was pitching me a new thing that was sort of like Oink, or maybe it was Foursquare, or maybe it was Foodspotting. It’s the third company I’ve told off lately.
Robert Scoble explaining a post, “Why I’m treating startups more critically lately’ (Google+) –
“Quite frankly we’re trying to stay away from a positioning as any positioning we come up with will just lead to confusion.”
Markus Flierl, vice president of software development at Oracle, explaining why Oracle doesn’t have an official postioning when it comes to using Unix vs Linux. (InternetNews.com)
“What happens when anyone can develop and publish an application to the Android Market? A 472% increase in Android malware samples since July 2011.”
Juniper Networks in a new report about mobile Android malware (Juniper)
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com, the news service of Internet.com, the network for technology professionals.