Those staffers who were born and raised in the Internet era have a different view of how connectivity and social media should exist in the workplace, according to a new study.
A new Connected World study from networking vendor Cisco System was released this week, based on survey data from 2,800 college students and young professionals under the age of 30.
Among the key findings of the study is that 64 percent of survey respondents said they plan to ask about social media usage policies during a job interview. The importance of social media freedom was so important that 33 percent of respondents said they would take a job that offered social media freedom and work mobility over salary.
Going a step further, 56 percent said that if they joined a company that banned social media access they would aim to find a way to get around the corporate policy.
“It’s fascinating that this is part of the considerations that this group has when entering the workforce,” Sheila Jordan, VP of Communication and Collaboration IT at Cisco told