A $20 million stock market sweepstakes promotion,
billed as “the Internet’s
largest ever,” is planned by CBS MarketWatch.com, Track Data Corp.,
Delta Air Lines and Norwegian Cruise Lines.
The contest goes live on Jan. 11. A beta test version is currently being
offered with a $25,000 grand prize. The $20 million prize will be available
with the official launch of the promotion in January.
“Beat the Street” is a new online game by RealTIME Media, Inc., an Internet
promotions and sweepstakes management company, and the Flycast Network, whose ads reach more than
10 million people a month.
Consumers are asked to log onto www.Prizes.com and pick the week’s close for
the Dow Jones Industrial Average as well as the week’s volume at the New York
Stock Exchange. The $20 million prize is insured by two of the largest prize
indemnity companies, American Specialty Underwriters and SCA Promotions.
More than 15 million banner advertisements each month will promote the online
game via a partnership with the Flycast Network and its 600 Web partners.
“Flycast Network’s vast Web presence, coupled with the proven click-through
rates of RealTIME Media’s instant-win promotions, are expected to dramatically
drive the impact of ‘Beat the Street’,” said Chuck Seidman, CEO of RealTIME
Media. “The game links the largest prize ever offered with one of the
Internet’s hottest categories — personal finance and the stock market. It’s a
powerful combination that we believe will make Prizes.com one of the most
trafficked sites on the Internet.”
Established in 1994, Prizes.com is an entertainment destination site offering
prize-winning opportunities to online visitors.
In addition to the $20 million grand prize, there are many other ways in which
visitors can win. If you pick the week’s volume of the NYSE and the first five
numbers of the Dow Jones Industrial Average’s close for the week, you win $2
million. To win $200,000, pick the NYSE’s volume for the week and any five
numbers of The Dow’s close. To win $20,000, just pick the correct closing NYSE
volume for the week. All winning numbers are based on that week’s Friday
close as published in the Wall Street Journal. Special vacation getaways will
also be awarded to registered visitors of Prizes.com, compliments of Delta Air
Lines and Norwegian Cruise Lines.