Anticipating the growth of Web advertising in Europe, Engage Inc.’s AdKnowledge division Tuesday deployed
four new ad server farms in Europe — two in London, and two in Paris.
The new server installations are designed to help deliver advertising to
consumers more quickly, so bits and bytes don’t have to travel all of the
way from the United States before appearing on people’s browsers.
“We believe that the additional server resources in Europe will not only
provide better performance for our existing customers, but will also
exemplify AdKnowledge’s commitment to the European online marketing
community,” said Bob Sandor, vice president of operations at AdKnowledge.
“AdKnowledge recognizes the significance of the European advertising
market, and is making this investment to support our European customers
with the same high level of performance and customer support for which
AdKnowledge is known in the U.S. For greater reliability, the new server
farms help to ensure consistent European service, even if fluctuations in
the performance of U.S.-European links take place.”
Additional server farms will be added as the company’s European presence