Online/offline youth marketer Alloy is contining its acquisitive ways with a $15.6 million cash purchase of Off Campus Marketing, a direct marketing firm owned by youth-focused company Student Advantage.
The New York-based Alloy, which in the past few years has acquired high school and college marketer 360 Youth, BMX biking site Dan’s Competition and college focused marketer CASS Communications, is making yet another move to gather up marketing outfits that target the generation Y crowd.
The purchase of OCM Direct’s assets and liabilities is expected to help Alloy build online and offline efforts to market products and services to the college and youth market.
OCM Direct (“On-Campus Marketing”) specializes in helping to sell products such as residence hall linens, care packages and diploma frames to college-age students and their parents.
Matt Diamond, Alloy’s chairman and CEO, said the business would be an outstanding complement to Alloy’s extensive on-campus marketing activities. He also said the final purchase price allocation is not expected to change the company’s earnings guidance for 2003.