Atlas DMT, the advertising technology arm of Seattle-based Avenue A Using panel-based data from comScore Media Metrix and ad-serving data “Both are important,” said Young-Bean Song, director of analytics and of the The tool, which includes reach and frequency curves for 400 online The biggest advance in this release of the software is that it’s actually “Before, it was a prototype; it existed and we did provide it as a service, Atlas is working to make sure it’s on as many computers as possible, in an “We recognize that the best thing for the industry, for our business, to get There’s been a lot of talk in the industry about developing ways to measure Atlas’ main competitor in the space is Interactive Market Systems (IMS),, on Monday released the latest version of its online media
planning tool, Atlas GRP and Reach Forecaster 3.0, which allows media buyers
to put together online campaigns using the metrics commonly used offline.
gathered via Atlas DMT’s own serving software, the Atlas GRP and Reach
Forecaster determines who a given media plan will reach and how many times
each person in the target audience will be exposed to the campaign. In this
newest version, the tool also lets planners see what percentage of the total
target audience would be reached by a campaign, as well as what percentage
of the online target audience would be reached. The Atlas product had been
criticized in the past for only including the online universe.
Atlas Institute, “but in terms of having apples-to-apples comparisons, you
need to make it jibe with what’s going on in the offline world.”
publishers, also incorporates a metric called “cost for marginal reach.” In
essence, it tells publishers how much more they’d need to spend to reach an
additional thousand people in the target audience. If it cost $8 to reach a
thousand more on site “A”, while it would cost $20 on site “B”, site “A”
would be more likely to attract the spending. It’s a “decision making metric
that helps you know exactly where to shave and where to add on,” said Song.
available to users, rather than being available only as a service provided
by Atlas staffers.
but we would have to run the reports for you,” said. “[Now] it’s a real
application that people can have on their desktops, and they can do the
analysis on their own computers.”
effort to increase awareness of its own solutions and increase usage of
online advertising. It’s distributing the newest version of the application
to its current advertiser and agency clients, which number around 50, and
handing out free CDs at industry conferences frequented by media types.
this tool out on people’s desktops,” said Song. “I’m sure there will be some
type of basic pricing model in the near future, but we haven’t let that stop
reach, frequency and GRP, or gross ratings points, online, so that media
planners could make apples-to-apples comparisons as they put together
cross-media campaigns. The thought behind such tools is that traditional
media planners would allocate more dollars to online media when they could
think about their buys in terms to which they are accustomed. The
Advertising Research Foundation has fielded a committee to come to some
conclusions on the matter, and it determined that both panel and ad serving
data should be incorporated into any tool.
which offers a tool called WebRF in partnership with VNU sister company
Nielsen//NetRatings. Earlier this year, the WebRF product got a boost
from industry leader DoubleClick, which agreed that the IMS/Nielsen product
would exchange data seamlessly with DoubleClick’s MediaVisor.