Beyond Interactive to Combine DART With Own Database

Interactive agency Beyond Interactive said it will expand its
relationship with DoubleClick for use of its third-party
ad serving system, DART For Advertisers (DFA).

Beyond plans to marry its customizable proprietary client and media plan
database with Doubleclick’s ad performance data through a specially designed
data porting system. Financial arrangements with DoubleClick were not

“This will give our clients the best of both worlds,” said Jonn Behrman, CEO
of Beyond Interactive. “They will be able to gain all the economies of scale
and infrastructure benefits of working with one of the world’s largest ad
serving systems, and at the same time will be able to take advantage of our
extensive media and creative planning technology. When the two tools are
fully integrated, our clients will get the most detailed and customized
reporting available anywhere.”

Beyond Interactive clients (such as AutoNation USA,, Fortune
City and Nickelodeon) will log on as usual to the agency’s proprietary
Extranet, where they will be able to view all relevant advertising campaign
data. The new system will allow Beyond Interactive to customize performance
reports to meet each individual client’s needs and use this new combined tool
for improved analysis, optimization and future campaign planning.

In June 1999, Beyond Interactive served over 120 million impressions through
DART for its clients.

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